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Joined Aug, 2012
Last Seen Jan, 2013


avatar for Gbanchor1
12 years ago
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Club Risque Philadelphia
1700 S Christopher Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148
The male strippers were dancing upstairs...
The male strippers were dancing upstairs this night, but there were plenty of female customers watching the girls strip downstairs! Just stopped in for…
avatar for Gbanchor1
12 years ago
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The Palace Gentlemen's Club
2482 NE Interstate 410 Loop San Antonio, TX 78217
Nice club! Definetly a "look but...
Nice club! Definetly a "look but don't touch" kind of club. Mostly all the women were hot, except a couple older types and a…
avatar for Gbanchor1
12 years ago
commented on
Shower Shows
Diamonds caberet near Dayton, OH does shower shows that are quite popular, esp on the weekends. Expensive too, over $100 if I remember correctly...
avatar for Gbanchor1
12 years ago
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100 Spring Garden St Philadelphia, PA 19123
An upscale club for sure, very...
An upscale club for sure, very hot women but mostly "hands off" in the lapdance room, still spent around $300 just the same. Considered…
avatar for Gbanchor1
13 years ago
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The Northern Gentlemen's Club
325 10th St N Fargo, ND 58102
Found a gal I liked and...
Found a gal I liked and stuck with her all night to the tune of $800, but I have no regrets. She was smart,…