
Comments by Unc1970

  • article comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Why Strip Clubs Need DJs
    I see the positives and negatives of both sides, but I guess I'm in the minority that actually prefers a DJ. Having been a former college radio DJ and still one who dabbles on occasion in the industry, I do stick up for DJs but I have noticed a lot of earlier complaints mentioned in earlier comments. My experience in clubs in my area today is that DJs also double as managers or lieutenants of some type, so I just look at it as a necessary but cumbersome evil. But on the other hand, I have been "blessed" that DJs where I frequent generally treat dancers well enough that when they focus on the music they play exactly what the dancer wants and mostly have the same tastes as customers like me. A good DJ in my experience NEVER lets his voice be heard to annoy customers or dancers, plays music that everyone in the club likes, and only makes sure to be heard when it deals with something management needs announced. I do hate DJs that try to become part of the show, so again I get what other comments are addressing. I guess I am the only one who has had good luck with DJs in strip clubs.