
Comments by SyraPhero

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anyone ever wonder if they are emitting pheromones that females are attracted to
    I don't have to wonder. I'm one of those freaks who orders pheromone products off the internet. In the last ten years, I haven't gone to a strip club without having some sort of pheromone product on. I honestly feel the pheromone products help me have relatively low-cost but extremely fun strip club adventures. My latest go-to product is a pheromone-enhanced shampoo/bodywash that has only been on the market for two months. Last time I went to the club, the hot young things slid off the stage and gave me a slew of the mini-lap dances and kisses that tend to be reserved for the buff young studs and not the middle-aged men who resemble Drew Carey and George Costanza's middle-aged love child. I heartily recommend wearing pheromone products to the strip club.