
Comments by TYonkers

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why did she leave me?
    I had one that pissed me off. Girl comes over and ask for a drink, so I buy drink. I am not one to want to waste a bunch of time sitting and talking, so I ask for a dance. She says, I'll be right back, but leaves her drink and her other crap at the table. Basically, she is marking her territory, making she sure no other girl approached me. Then is gone for fucking ever. First, she needs a smoke. Then she comes back. She has to go on stage - but she does not appear on stage. After about 20 minutes of this crap, I left. I was tempted to take her crap she left on the table and throw it in the trash. But, unfortunately, I am too nice of a guy for that. I could have been spending that time with another woman, but instead, she had to "mark" me as hers. bull shit!