How much for the women?
Comments by fandingo
review comment
10 months ago
How much for the women?
She did seem familiar. At least I’m consistent in my opinion about her.
review comment
5 years ago
Parts Unknown
Was thinking of checking it out after a long break, but your review stopped that idea. The reviews on googl make it sound wonderful though
review comment
6 years ago
How much for the women?
Thanks, I’ll look for Mustang next time I’m there. For any S44 experts out there, I’m open to PMs about whether VIP is worth it
discussion comment
10 years ago
Was at a nude club and the girl spreading her legs. I got closer to tip because it looked like she was really turned-on and had that sexy milky-white juice trickling out... Nope, it was a tampon string. At that point, I was looking for some dark-red around the pretty pink pussy. I guess she was totally not shy about the feminine hygiene product. Maybe she thought it would get her some kinky customers. :P
review comment
10 years ago
Agree that Baby is just as you describe