Comments by BOOGIE6225
discussion comment
11 years ago
Hey Txtitty, I actually had a great time in Detroit, but chose not to come back to this site and write the review because of morons like you. I came on to get some advice and you immediately started shit trying to make me feel bad about asking a question. Isn't that one of the things this site is for?
Maybe one day you will get out of your mom's basement a start to work towards having a respectable life. I understand why you like to attack people. it's because you are 150 pounds overweight and haven't seen your weenis since you were 10. I'm sorry that all those bullies kicked your lard ass up down the hallways, but you need to grow up and take the next step in life.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Slick. Honestly, I had forgotten about this site. I must o signed up to read a review a couple of years ago. I will be happy to review some of the places I go to from now on. Hopefully I don't have to deal with people like Titty all the time.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Thanks everyone except for the slimy 50 year old naked in guy in his moms basement
discussion comment
12 years ago
what's sad is you probably don't have a job, and you are sitting in your moms basement right now.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Really? You have nothing better to do? Why are toys member of this site if you aren't going to contribute? Get a life..