3 yrs ago•LokingreviewedLooker's Gentleman's Club789 Dowd Ave Elizabeth, NJ 07201double damage dollar parade
4 yrs ago•LokingreviewedThe Go-Go RamaHwy 35 & Laurence Pkwy Laurence Harbor, NJ 08879Lala brings the heat under the plexiglass wall
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedTitillations12 Willow St Bloomfield, NJ 07003The club is big and clean and safe. The girls are young and pretty. Everything else sucks.
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedWet Gentlemen's Club 213 Belleville Ave Belleville, NJ 07109Nice clean place but dead on a Friday night
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedFoxe's Go Go Bar201 Parker Ave Passaic, NJ 07055No girls on a Friday night AND parking is impossible
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedShakers295 Hoboken Rd Carlstadt, NJ 07072Heavy Dollar Parade but Happy Hour 4-7 isn't too bad, $4 domestic beers
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedParadizio1053 Clinton Ave Irvington, NJ 07111Black Diamond, surprisingly good
5 yrs ago •Lokingcommented onBest place to see nude girls dancing if you come before 8pm M-Th, and use the drink coupon. Tame Lap Dances.http://www.stilettojersey.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/6BCF5F38-8F8A-453D-A740-9BC45087E8AE.jpeg this is the url for the half drink coupon Sun-Th. Also on the home page. just show the barmaid on your phone. http://www.stilettojersey.com/
5 yrs ago•LokingreviewedStiletto325 Paterson Plank Rd East Rutherford, NJ 07073Best place to see nude girls dancing if you come before 8pm M-Th, and use the drink coupon. Tame Lap Dances.
6 yrs ago •Lokingcommented onRed Zebra in Matawan NJ?Hey Papi, I think the owner has a couple of helpers because sometimes my review is rejected by 3 editors because they say it’s too short.…
6 yrs ago •Lokingcommented onBetter looking girls than others in PatersonSince this post, I've now checked out every strip club in Paterson. Johnny A's has in number one for best looking girls. Roxxie's is second.
6 yrs ago •Lokingcommented onRed Zebra in Matawan NJ?I wanted to post a review of Red Zebra, so I tried adding a listing every day for past week. For some reason, tuscl just won't let…
7 yrs ago •Lokingcommented on8 Girls on a Monday night. Luna and Lala are great!There is a lot of conflicting information about what the cover charge is and when. I'm just telling you what the cashier said, even though it does make…