
Comments by shurshot (page 8)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I Will Try Again
    Why do reviewers say then when they mean than, and vice versa?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I'm in USA and curious as to just how far a "good time" goes there.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Lots of hot women
    Interesting. I frequent Oz, Oasis and ATL. Agree on Oz, except that I've never had dancers pester me. But, I'm old, ugly and fat; and I go weekday afternoons. Never got any extras, except some skin to skin handwork Oasis is the best for extra. 3-4 do BJ's in private ($75). PM for names. Not so loverly, but pragmatic. ATL is in flux. Some extras. Gotta pick the right one. Recently got BJ in $25/song area. Again, PM. DD is on my "off limits" list because of extremely bad treatment, a few months ago, by ugly ass dancer and 2 "managers" - pimps? Don't need the hassle. YMMV
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Exactly as Advertised
    Good review. I've been visiting Mons for 35 years and known the owner for as long. The happiness factor is largely due to his policies. No booze, smokes, drugs, extras. AND the dancers KEEP every penny they get into their hands. No house fees, tip outs or other typical crap. House take only door and drink (which are minimal) costs. Happy dancers make happy clients.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Tale Of 2 Mondays
    Joe Redner does NOT hire, himself. And, in case you're wondering, there has never been a "casting couch". Joe DOES set standards - e.g. no fat ass's; but his female managers carry out this policy.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    My New Go-To For Nighttime
    Might try Oasis. I never go to any clubs at night. See my review of Oasis last week. There were 3 others who do much the same at that time. I was treated very badly by an ugly aggressive dancer and she complained to management AND they backed her. I'll never return!! Never got lucky there anyway.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Gave money away
    You picked the wrong dancer. I got BJ there about 3 week ago. And for $30.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Ya know this is in Clrwtr, doncha?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Gave money away
    So, wtf happened????
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Better Than I Thought
    The OP is lying' his pimply ass off. And Joe Redner ain't cheap. Of course, I don't go to the Mons for my ablations.{But, I've been going here for 35 yesrs, done professional photography for Joe (in my studio) and worked on Mr. Redner's unsuccessful (He's an Agnostic, ya see) political campaigns.] And how did they know the lost keys were yours? And you didn't even know where your cell was????? If Redner knew that any employee or sub-contractor (dancer) was promoting ANY kind of OTC service he/she would be history, pronto!! Glad you liked the juke box, duh. Let's do some math. $1K minus $40 (door) minus $10 (OJ) minus 50 $1 onstage tips leaves $900 for private dances. Divide that by 2 dancers = $450/dancer. BULLSHIT. That kind of $ will buy 2 hours with the most expensive escort in FL. AND they will FUCK you - really! Isn't that better than just ass grinding on your clothed crotch and a little tit groping? This idiot seems to be trying to pimp the place (which it doesn't need) but is too stupid to do so. He should be barred from the club and this forum! Jes' sayin"
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Special Place
    I've been visiting Mons for more than 30 years and your reporting of aggression is completely the opposite of my experience
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    After Berns
    About 80% of VIP action is illegal. Joe Redner runs a legit joint. Always has, since 1982
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Nothing Special
    If night shift - pretty normal. If dayshift - musta been Cory
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    More Talented Than Expected
    DJ/MGR Say they've never heard of "MONEY"
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Local Hangout, New Guys No Chance
    have told you
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Local Hangout, New Guys No Chance
    One or more lyin' girls may have that the room cost ALL goes to the house - LIE! The girl gets $50, house 25 I been going there for 15 years, weekly.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Local Hangout, New Guys No Chance
    PM me for names of resident cocksuckers who are usually available.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Good, Not Great
    Tampa is on the west coast. The cover is reasonable considering the quantity and quality of the dancers. In Hillsborough county alcohol and nudity in same venue is a crime. How many stages can you watch? Aren't there usually 5-7 dancers onstage simultaneously? And the dance arrangement is as rad as the law allows. If you're looking for BJ's, HJ's, FIV and/or FS. Go west to Pinellas county and pay $100- 200 for 15 min in "private" and you MAY get some or all of the above.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    More Talented Than Expected
    Can you tell us more about her, please? FIV, HJ, BJ?? I was there with a totally cooperative lady, but the openness made for problems. Know her shifts? Thanks
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Mons Is Still Great
    Lazy, maybe. And short. Inaccurate - no "overpriced" mixed drinks, just low priced soft stuff. And that cooler bullshit is just that! No fuckin' way!! And what the hell are Phillies???? Sounds like this guy has written a shitload. Hope his other work is not so uninformative and inaccurate as this tripe. But, an ad -- NO. Been going there for 3 decades. Did photography for Joe in '90s.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Got What I Needed.
    doesn't LDK make your pants wet and make you walk funny?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Best Looking Girls But No Privacy
    Perhaps one correction: The cost of the dance is negotiated with the dancer and is not related to the location in the club.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    First Time Visit
    I haven't to the Mons for a while, but know things are not as good as in the past. I have found Th- Sat. to be best. Many more and prettier dancers on night shift. However, if you're looking for extras, this ain't the place. The dancer's mantra, as you head to the dance area, is "You can touch me anyplace except my pussy." If you are looking for HJ's, BJ's FIV etc. go to Pinellas county and try the topless clubs. 15 min. in private for $75-100 will get a LOT of action and just how much depends on the girl; and be forewarned that many will try upsell.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    West Virginia
    Cotta name, please?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    It Has Potential...
    Lot of inaccuracies here. Do better research before misinforming area visitors.. We locals know the real deals. Basic private rates ARE set by management and some dancers upsell and/or provide extras. Sounds like you didn't get any. And this club is not exclusively Black.