
Comments by Hesiod

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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    Hi Stiletto - I'm in Kenmore. You're correct, I am overthinking this -- the curse of being an OCD Libra, I guess. I am a tiny bit concerned about not responding to her TMs; it just seems rude to me [not to respond] but I guess "no harm, no foul" might apply in this case. I also sort of talked myself into believing that she actually cared for me but now it seems like I was just a bit of string for her to wrap around her magic fingers...
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    GSV - Very wise words indeed. Fwiw, it is fairly apparent to me that she doesn't "miss me" and probably doesn't care on a personal level as to whether you're in the club or not (at least not very much). If she did care, even a little, then she would've called by now. But then I have the dilemma of getting my texting fixed (remember it wasn't working when we tried texting each other in the club 2 weeks ago), replying to her TMs and hinting that I would be in to see her, and then getting fed up with texting and deactivating it. So she probably thinks that I'm just ignoring her texts, which in a way is true as I can't receive ANY texts at this time. I can see where she would be fed up with me by now! I dunno, what's the point of going to see her tonite only to tell her that the OTC dance is probably off and I can only afford a dance or two. The minute I step foot in the door I'm "committed" to spending a minimum of $40 ($20 admission, $20 for 1 dance), for what: to be polite and tell her that I can't afford her?! There were no other dancers that I was interested in when I was last there, and this was at 10 on a Saturday night (admittedly, I am picky)! She seemed like a nice girl but I know that it is primarily about the Benjamins for her.
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    Runrdude - I'm going to try and GV up and running this weekend. I tried it before but it wouldn't let me text anything so a friend is coming over to have a look. There IS an Android app for Textfree (I just found it today).
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    Rod - Thanks for your comments and insight. Regrettably, I have never felt like nor been a "full-on player in society" - not a player at all really. It is pretty ludicrous to have a smartphone and not be able to get a text msg, I will admit. It just bugs me that 2 strippers are the only people who seem to have a need to use texting as a means of communication.
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    13 years ago
    Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
    Yep, I'm new to posting here but I have been lurking for 6+ months now. Re the $5 texting bill - I'm not so worried about the money but honestly, no one other than these 2 strippers texts me. It bugs me to pay for something that I don't need or use. I know that lots of women, not only strippers, prefer texting to talking but I do not care to pay for their comfort level (that's kinda hard-hearted, eh?). Yeah, there are INDEED other dancers out there - just none that I was interested in. She really had me wrapped around her proverbial finger.