
Comments by Mxoxo

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    13 years ago
    Thieving dancers
    Why would a dancer want your glasses???? A waitress or floor walker proabably picked them up as they were cleaning. They are always scouring the lap dance area trying to find anything left behind (money, phones, or anything of value). There really is no point of turning in these items to the manager since the managers tend to keep most of the things too. A waitress once turned in an Iphone to the manager, and guess who was using an iphone from then on?? I definitely know the male floor walkers enjoy the abundance of nice sunglasses that get collected behind, under, or in between couches and chairs. I highly doubt a dancer would steal your glasses. It doesn't even make since.
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    13 years ago
    Sapphire Las Vegas: A Stripper's Story...
    Thanks Heidi for your sharing your own personal Sapphire experience! I completely relate and very happy I recently got the hell out of there and moved on to Texas. I have lots of friends in Cali who are also very happy with the clubs there. So far, Texas has not disapointed :)
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    13 years ago
    Sapphire Las Vegas: A Stripper's Story...
    I decided against cutting my hair and think I made the right choice. It's about collar bone length at the moment and I definitely seem to be getting more male attention than with my shorter locks. I think you guys are just genetically programmed to lust long hair :)
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    13 years ago
    Sapphire Las Vegas: A Stripper's Story...
    Thanks for all the comments (good and bad). And yes, Troop, that is me. I deleted my old email account, so no longer had my login info. I will continue all my posts under Mxoxo.