
Comments by coylongitude

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TAXES and their implications
    This analogy doesn't work. In your analogy, beer = the benefits of living in America. But unlike beer, the benefits of living in America are partially responsible for the money in our pockets that we use to pay taxes. Taxes aren't some arbitrary fee we have to pay for no reason. It's what we contribute to keep America great. Furthermore, beer is an absolute luxury. For the poorest Americans, the social safety net the government provides is not a luxury, in many cases it's what keeps them (and their kids) off the street. It's a net good for the country for these people to be off the street. Your analogy is not apt because it has no bearing on the richest guy's well-being whether or not the poorest guy has beer. Also, the theory of a tax system that favors the middle class is that it will enable the economy to grow because currently the middle class does not have enough money to buy things that stimulate business and create jobs (An extra $100 in the pocket of 100 middle class people does more for the economy than $10,000 in the pocket of one rich guy). In your analogy, making it cheaper for the middle/poor people to buy beer has no benefit for the rich guy. In the real world it does. My point is your analogy just makes things more complicated and isn't particularly helpful...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    Thanks for the great advice. Got a lot of ideas. Surprised that nobody mentioned Portland - I've heard so much about how many strip clubs they have per capita. Are they not that great?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    We've done this before, I promise you we don't run out of things to do. We're very resourceful.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    Hi all, I'll respond to the requests for clarity. It'll be a few of us but right now I am only considering strip clubs. Our plan is mainly to just drink a lot, play cards in our hotel, and hit SC's, so any city would do, which is why my main criteria is strip clubs. Looks like a lot of good suggestions: Phoenix, Detroit, Miami, Houston, Dallas, Providence, Tampa... maybe we'll have to turn it into an epic guys' road trip instead.