
Comments by neon730

  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Changes...and maybe changes in me too
    I will just add this little bit of info. My wife is a former dancer, we met through mutual friends and it was several weeks before I knew where she worked. When I first saw her dance, I kept my distance and watched her ply her trade, the difference between Vianca and "Cinnamon" was so striking that I still find it hard to believe. Everything in, or out of the club with a customer, is a business transaction. Dancers are working to pay the bills and support the kids, if it is away from the club, she does not have to give a cut the owner. The biggest difference between the girls from 20 years ago to now, is the lack of training and professionalism, and the fact that meth costs a lot less than cocaine. Please follow my advice and as another said earlier, work on your confidence and meet someone anywhere but a club.