
Comments by BigMofo

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is this normal? First-timer's account of a growing resume...
    Damn. You guys paint a pretty bleak picture here. It's not that I want to date these girls or take them out of the club, quite the opposite even. This stuff felt like desperation to me, not exactly what I was looking for. It's shame that there can't be more mutual respect in these situations. I mean, I go out with money that I don't want to have when I get home. Just give me a believable story and some believable chemistry followed by a nice grind and you can have all of it. Anyway, thanks for all the feedback.
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    14 years ago
    Is this normal? First-timer's account of a growing resume...
    @steve229: The Virginia girls worked harder and made a better connection for me. The Vegas girls seemed so "Pro" at times that I was more concerned about getting scammed somehow than having a good time. @clubber: Yeah. Should have been "insisted it wasn't about money". She was trying really, really hard to get me to convince me that she was wife material and call her after her shift.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is this normal? First-timer's account of a growing resume...
    Thanks for the tips. -I don't think I'm a complete fool, maybe just half. I know the girls are acting. What's throwing me is the nature of the act. I fully expect to hear that I'm good looking and for them to act interested, that's what I want. That's what I'm shopping for and expect. What's throwing me off are these girls talking about seemingly very personal stuff like how old their kids are, what they're doing with their lives etc. Perhaps that's just another angle? -Half my visits were Friday nights, the other half, in Vegas were late weeknights. -I guess I'll stick with the clubs them. My logic is that I don't want sex from these girls. Just some entertaining chat and contact without the club or any attachment (not looking for a girlfriend). I probably just answered my own question. I'm guessing the right girls would be happy to hang out and do some off the clock dances for the right price? @wallanon: Sorry about that. I'm posting to vent a bit and get some feedback. My friends are divided into two camps, guys for whom hookers are a given and guys who won't even go to clubs. I'm kinda the odd man out being up for the club action, but nothing more.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is this normal? First-timer's account of a growing resume...
    Two clubs in Vegas. Two in Virginia. I'm not too concerned about overpaying. I just want a quality experience without getting myself into trouble. The three things I'm really curious about here are... 1.) Is what I'm describing a typical experience for someone who's new to this scene? 2.) Is it something I'm doing that is making these girls get clingy? 3.) Given what I want and end up getting out of these clubs are there other options out there? Is an escort like that?