1 yr ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Friday Evening Not As Bumping as used to be
5 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Best Club in ABQ - Worth a Visit
7 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedCrazy Horse III (CH3)3525 W Russell Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118Niice club but mixed mileage
7 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedElysium Gentlemen's Club9734 Winchester Ave Bunker Hill, WV 25413Okay time but this scene has gone down
8 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedElysium Gentlemen's Club9734 Winchester Ave Bunker Hill, WV 25413Pretty typical for this area of W VA
8 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Still best club in abq
9 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Eubank2120 Eubank Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112Club with a lot of potential
9 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Favorite Club in ABQ
9 yrs ago•jimsonphdreviewedTD's Showclub North6001 Brentwood Pl NE Albuquerque, NM 87109Still the best in ABQ - but dancer overall dancer quality varies a lot and might have gone down recently