
Comments by bobbyj

  • article comment
    13 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    What is up with all these illiterate guys who find it a chore to read more than 20 words? It's called an article people, not a paragraph! But Doug, great ARTICLE with many good tips. After a near miss though, I've found it's just safer to buy condoms as I go instead of risking having to explain their presence. It's worth the $3-$5 every time not to have to worry about it. I've also taken to keeping my car "Fabreezed-up" meaning that I keep a bottle of Fabreeze in my care that I spray around it every few days. This has been a great back-up when I couldn't make it to a shower before heading back. It's all good to have the back-up clothes, but stripper perfume/lotion gets into hair, under fingernails and everywhere else. The Fabreeze provides a great mask that lasts long enough for me linger around and not have to immediately jump in the shower once I get home. Keep enjoying yourself Doug as I know I will!