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Comments by jack783

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for jack783
Not bad for a brief visit
I just realized that I posted my review for the wrong Synn location. I went to the City of Industry one, not West Hollywood. @buffetlover: I only saw one EE at BE. Lookswise she was a 9, with long blond hair, tight bod, no tats. I'm not a huge fan of the heavy EE accent and I found it kind of painful to talk to her, on top of which she didn't venture much beyond "Where are you from" and "Come here often" before asking for VIP. Just so you know, I have frequented SCs in NYC where there are EEs galore and have had some great conversations. I can definitely see the appeal. As far as Synn vs BE, the difference in price and experience is so great that I don't stick to ethnicity preferences when deciding where to go.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for jack783
Not bad for an a weekday afternoon
Sorry I wasn't interested enough in anyone to ask the prices. Should have remembered I would be asked about it in my review.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for jack783
Still a ways to go
I went back last night to give it one more chance. Entered at 7:30 pm and the bouncer said there's no cover but I had to check my work bag (briefcase) for $10! I did a 180 and walked out. Does management not know what happens which you try to rip customers off while you're trying to rebuild the business?