
Comments by YessirArafat

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ah, the holy grail of an OTC date... I hope you'll allow a dancer to answer (rhyme not intended). The 'proper' spot depends upon a few criteria... how long have you known her? Is this your first OTC date? Are you two platonically comfortable together as ITC 'friends' or did you assume she had something more in mind when she agreed to a date? Most importantly- is this time-for-pay or an actual date? If it's time-for-pay then you should agree in advance to a set of circumstances (location & proceedings) you're both happy with... if it's an actual date, then a neutral, public site is a good idea (at least to meet/start the date) so you can slowly gain her trust in an OTC environment. If all goes well, then choice 1 or 2 may happen organically. :) Good luck!