joined June, 2008last seen August, 2021


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lemme first start out by saying... yes that IS me in the picture... and no I will not get on webcam to prove it. you can come and see me if you need proof lol. and its not even that good looking if I wanted to lie I would put someone with blond hair and huge tits. Plus if I lied I wouldn't get any business. Common sense people. I enjoy my work more than anything and take it very seriously. This is what I do. I, however, cannot stand disrespectful guys or gals. I can respect you if you respect me!Trust me.. I can be snippy and will retort. I have been dancing for about 2 years but it will be going on three very shortly. I dance for fun not for money. Remember that fellas, I am one of a kind. I really only dance once or twice a month, but When I do.. I have the time of my life. I have never been addicted to anything. I have no kids, well I have babies and by babies I mean my cats... who are like kids. So its just my cats and me, but we get along just fine. Yes, I do go to college, for real. lol. I don't just say that, but my college is already paid for and so is rent. Extra cash every now and then is SWEET! but in reality I don't need it, most of it goes to my cats <3. The reason why I post here as a dancer.. to give other dancers the real an idea of what it is like. Stripperweb, sucks, frankly. However, I am thinking of the guys too when I post. <3 Plus I love a good talk anyways. and a few of you gentlemen on here have been so nice to me I have been a dancer since I was 18 and have been all over the world working in many clubs, but I mainly stay in Florida or schooling. I am a 20 year old tall and slender girl. When I say tall I mean tall (6'0 and yes I wear the HUGE stripper heels still). I was in ballet for over 15 years and bring alot of my strict training into dancing. Some love it some and some don't just like most fourms of dance. Some of the clubs I have worked at include, Molly Browns, lollipops (daytona), Cafe Risque (all of them), Mons Venus, 2001 Odessy, ybor strip (tampa), Expose (Austin) and many others.