Comments by jablake (page 39)

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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "Exit polling showed that the war remains unpopular, and distaste for the conflict helped Obama. Nearly two-thirds disapprove of the conflict, and that group overwhelmingly backed the Democrat."
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi MisterGuy, I'm a Right-winger. No need for a cryin' towel. The Republicans are just pathetic. Intellectually. Morally. Their endless fear mongering unfortunately worked with too many too long. I hope there was a total slaughter in the House and Senate. One Republican in the Congress is one too many. I'm supposed to be afraid of Bin Laden? Seems surreal. I've probably got a better chance of being hit by lightning or getting killed getting a lap dance.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi arbeeguy, You were right! :) President Obama. And, I was wrong. Excellent call on your part.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    BTW, if she had registered and had a strong preference for McCain, then likewise I'd have been disappointed that she didn't vote. It's a 2for: Why bother registering if you're not going to follow thru? And, you specifically registered because you had a strong preference. Oh well, not like voting improves the result or the system. It seemed like at the polling places I saw that people weren't in lines. Perhaps I wasn't observant. The supporters of whoever Obama? could have been it wasn't important to me. Could have been supporters of McCain. Anyway, the supporters of whoever looked like they were having a blast. Did someone pay them? I guess it isn't important either way.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How did you vote today?
    I didn't vote. If I was *forced* to pick a candidate, then it would be for Obama. I thought McCain generally did a good job. Joe the Plumber seemed like a paid hack. A dumb one at that. Palin seemed likeable overall, but dumb. Biden seemed like he lost a few steps. I guess mainly I felt a little cheated that President Bush wasn't running again. I think Bin Laden probably feels like President Bush is his best buddy in the world. And, given the government's new math President Bush ought to have demanded $50 trillion dollars for the government's phoney War on Terror. Works out to something like less than $175 per person! Hmmm . . . perhaps $50 trillion dollars is too meager. Do I hear a mere $500 trillion? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi AbbieNormal, Always a pleasure to read your posts positive or negative. You know how some men prefer fat women and some men prefer slim women and some men prefer all women? For the longest time I didn't believe any men could possibly prefer fat women. Yes, I understood that for some men a hole is a hole is a hole and looks just weren't important. But, to prefer fat women??? That was just beyond my limited imagination. I sure you understand my point. :) To be a little blunter (sp?), I got a call today from a stripper buddy who is all crazy in love with Obama. She was calling me to see if I voted and that was about all she called for other than to ask about my health (it sucks and I'm in pain). Naturally, I first assumed she wanted to make sure that I voted and voted for Obama. I told her no and she starts complaining. I said well at least you voted for Obama. She says no, fuck America. I said but, you love Obama. She laughed and said yes that is true, but fuck America. I'm disappointed she didn't vote since she had a strong preference and had even bothered to register. For whatever reason she just wanted to confirm that I wasn't going to vote. As if I was some type of role model? :( Anyway, if she happened to state that she loved America it wouldn't make too much difference to me. I'd be a little disappointed perhaps, but her opinion is her opinion. Her opinion is fuck America. I happen to agree with that opinion and whoop de doo. People love America, they hate America, they don't care one way or the other. Sometimes their reasoning is interesting. Sometimes it is boring. Sometimes it is brain dead. Sometimes it is verbose. Etc. Etc. Etc. So have I adequately answered your question or you do you still need the crayon version?
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    16 years ago
    Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!
    "Obama wins in earliest vote in tiny NH town By GLENN ADAMS DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. – Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, N.H., where tradition of having the first Election Day ballots tallied lives on. Democrat Obama defeated Republican John McCain by a count of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch, where a loud whoop accompanied the announcement in Tuesday's first minutes. The town of Hart's Location reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul." It is noteworthy, imo, that this is traditional Republican territory rarely voting for the Democratic presidential candidate. You know these illegal immigrants from Mexico? You think they just come to America to earn some dollars? LOL! So innocent and trusting. Here is the real scoop hot off the press. Amongst the 20 million or so illegal immigrants from Mexico there is a group of at least 20 who plan to kill, that's right KILL, 300 million Americans. Fortunately a measley $1 trillion dollars might thwart these mad dog wannabe killers. You might be thinking $1 trillion dollars is measely? Yep, it is the new math they teach in government run schools. $1 trillion is only around $3.33 per person. That is less than the price of a Whopper in most areas! And, you know the beauty of this new math? ALL government programs are dirt cheap when looking at thru the prism of the big government's new math. :) That means universal health care! Real homes for everyone! Endless Foodstamps for every American so they can afford the best and healthiest foods on the market! Hot hoes? Hey, it is only $3.33 per person so hot hoes for everyone on the government's tab. Tax cuts? Too cheap. At $3.33 per person tax cuts for everyone except those earning over $100,000 per year. President Obama was too lenient and generous with the wealthy. You want the big money Mr. High Income? Well you gonna have to contribute to federal coffers and pay your fair share! Democratic Dominance and everyone parties except a handful of high earners-----and even those selfish clowns will be better off because of all the new freebies. :) BTW, why do these 20 plus mad dogs want to kill innocent Americans. Simple: They're jealous of our freedoms!!! Wave those flags!!!!!!!! LOL!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!
    Well, it seems like there is more hope for Obama. I watched part of MNF last night and they gave an incredible stat, assuming it is true. If the Redskins lose, then the Democrats win the Presidency or something like that. Anyway, it has been correct in 17 out of 17 elections supposedly. That means President Obama the No. 1 MUSLIM (if only it were true that he was a MUSLIM; well, I can dream. :) ) As it stands, I wouldn't be unhappy with a McCain victory or an Obama victory. However, I definitely want supposed "conservatives," those who worship big government types, to get completely clobbered in the Congress. Heck, it wouldn't be much of a loss to see small government Republicans swept from office they're so few in number and so ineffectual. Even Ron Paul can hit the dust cause he is wasting his life in government. So here is looking forward to a new dominance for Democrats. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "Today's jihadists: educated, wealthy and bent on killing? By Craig Offman, National Post Published: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 . . . In his findings, Dr. Sageman found that 62% of group members had a university education, a percentage that surpasses the United States." Dang! Not only do the Holy Warriors number over 20 people, but 62% of group members had a university education. Yikes, that is terrifing, time for Americans to hide under their beds until the mighty U.S. finally exterminate 'em in 2084! BTW, this lends even more credence to the idea that President to be Obama is a MUSLIM being as he has a university education and let's not forget his MUSLIM daddy and his anthropologist mommy! Oh wait, I think Palin has a university education. OK guys, you can get out from under your beds. Just a slight overreaction to the fact that 62% of the Holy Warriors had a university education. New plan. Offer these 62% free graduate and doctoral education. By the time these suckers get done learning they'll be wayyyyyy past their prime fighting age. Even more intriguing is that we know one motivation for self-combustion amongst Holy Warriors is God's promised reward of smoking hot virgins. Thus, when these old highly educated Holy Warriors are finally able to return to the field of battle just keep 'em away from the Viagra. In all probability they'll be more interested in prune juice than smoking hot virgins. LOL! :) Now, if they still insist on virgins, then America has a hell of problem because in America virgins are in fact rarer than an honest politician. Solution? Well, medical technology may again save millions; perhaps even 300 million Americans. See there is this medical procedure known as revirginization; actually I think that is just the street term. Yep, that is the street lingo. I asked Gambling dancer (yes, I'm talking to that one, again) for the ebonical term and she was shocked that men even wanted virgins and said that's just fucked up! Anyway, the medical term for revirginization is hymenoplasty. One trillion dollars ought to be able to buy a lot of hymenoplasty for smoking hot women, ladies and gentlemen. Point is, there isn't any reason for the U.S. to be mass murdering innocent men, women, and children even if they're MUSLIMS. Now, if they're Republicans with a Palin sized IQ . . . :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi arbeeguy, Yes, "it" refers to our freedoms. Remember, I've been watching Palin and news snippets of how President to be Obama is a socialist and gun grabber on the far left who hates America and pals around with terrorists. And, how with larger Democratic majorities (praise lord if that is true, which I think it will be; remember I've been a Republican for almost my entire life) there will be no stopping President to be Obama. And, let's not forget his anti-American pastor of 20 years. And, his wife hasn't been proud enough of America----probably another radical anti-American. So basically if you believe that President to be Obama is actually very much anti-American and will have strong Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress then BOOM!!! Practically overnight President to be Obama working with the Democratic majorities can start filling the federal courts with anti-American judges and start passing anti-American legislation. An example, may be nationalization of the banks and other financial institutions as well as key manufacturers like Burger King. Ideally, every American will have a government job that provides a living wage. Anyway, as judge Bork has pointed out the Bill of Rights takes away just as much freedom as it grants; so in reality there is no loss in trashing it. For example, the American people would according to polls love to criminalize hate speech and pornographic speech and probably anti-American speech. The First Amendment takes away their freedom to have their democratically elected representatives pass constitutional laws that will reflect their needs and desire for safety. The American people are left unprotected from this terror!!! Oh my god, time to spend another $1 trillion on another government phoney War of ??? Basically, I hope you understand that what I typed is very context based. Palin seems like a joke (likeable, imo, but mentally slow), but millions of people take her seriously. And, she is a governor. A popular one at that. I was watching the interviews with her and thought my god anyone can be governor. God wants a war with Iran? I think I watched a video of her mouthing some nonsense like that. Need to see that actual clip again because it was so surreal. You know President to be Obama is so slick and polished, a rock star if you will, that before you know it throngs of Americans will be chanting in tune with him Death to America!!! LOL! At least President to be Obama will be able to make peace with most of the sane world. :) That peace dividend, assuming President to be Obama is the real deal, would be very nice. Unfortunately, under President Bush, America has made so many enemies where none previously existed that he may be forced to continue the government's phoney War on Terror.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    "Bush took mountains of crap from many people who had no clue about the responsibilities of his job." And, with any luck the U.S. will become a hardcore communist or socialist nation thanks in huge part to the U.S. government's phoney War on Terror as well as its other phoney wars. Supposed "conservatives" deserve that big time and more. And, the world deserves a more peaceful progressive U.S. government. One that invests in its people and not in bombs, bullets, and billionaires! Yes, it is pay back time for the U.S. government's aggressive war mongering and terrorism. Oh, it doesn't matter a bit if Israel is the world's greatest country with the world's best people. The stinking U.S. government has absolutely no business upsetting the apple cart by taking sides and causing decades of stupid war. If it is true, and I believe it was, that the Muslims and Jews were living in peace in that area of the world for hundreds of years, then taking sides by the U.S. goverment is a massive crime and completely brain dead if not premeditated evil.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    And, I would trust the U.S.? LOL! The coalition forces were throwing innocent people in Iraq into prisons left and right (when not butchering them). Most of whom were finally released after months or years. And, the worst thing is the "guilty" were often doing nothing more than defending their homeland. They're patriots. In fact, many patriots are now on the U.S. payroll---it makes little difference that a few months earlier they may have been eagerly killing American soldiers. The U.S. armed and funded them because eyes finally opened up and realization was many of these people were simply defending their homeland against a blood thirsty ignorant invader i.e. the U.S. and coalition. Meanwhile the U.S. according to media reports that I've read was being viewed as worse than Saddam who wasn't a popular leader among many of his people. That is a huge feat to be viewed by ordinary Iraqis as worse than Saddam. Initially, many of the Iraqi people allegedly viewed the U.S. as liberators, but that was very short lived. The serious issue is the nit wit U.S. government got involved in the middle of a Holy War, which was none of its beeswax. The Jews and Muslims were allegedly living in peace for hundreds and hundreds of years in that area of the world before the U.S. government decided to stick its big nose where it didn't belong and take sides. The solution isn't a massive government spending trillions against an enemy that is *tiny*, but peace. Peace as in stop funding and arming their enemy or gracefully accept that America will become a battle ground as ordinary muslims begin to see how little we value their lives and property. Heaven forbid the muslims fight back against U.S. government terrorism. The U.S. should apologize profusely to the Islamic world and then take peaceful courses of action: No more bombing and butchering innocents and no more funding and arming their enemy. Perhaps huge reparations to our former enemies i.e. like we are funding former enemies in Iraq. The Israeli people can also choose peace or they can opt for more war. That is their business and the U.S. needs to keep it big nose out of it completely except for allowing Israelis who truly want peace to immigrate into the U.S.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    I LOVED it when President Reagan for essentially declared victory in Lebanon and then cut and run at full speed. It was a beautiful fraud that saved many lives and preserved honor for nit wits who buy into that crapola. So Israel should declare victory and then with full speed its citizens who truly want peace should be heading right for "the land of the free and the brave." Yes, that'd be the America. It can be renamed New Israel if that would make our new friends and neighbors happy. Yes, I understand it isn't nearly as nice as Israel. Gee, I'd like a new sports car. Pray to God and he might chip in for a real country. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "Denying the threat of radical Islam (Terrorism) is dangerously ignorant." What is dangerously ignorant is sacrificing Americans in a stupid religious war that America has no real stake in. Time to quit arming and funding Israel. You take sides in a war and surprise surprise the other side might start trying to kill your people!!! Those Israeli who believe in peace should be encourage to immigrate to the U.S. Yes, I realize that the U.S. isn't nearly as wonderful as Israel. Hey, I suffer here and if I can suffer living in America, then peace loving Israelis should at least try to make the effort for peace. :) Oh and if God really did grant one group or another this tiny piece of desert than time to let God do the fighting. Gee, these religious nuts are totally worthless and bring nothing, but death and misery. Of course, with any luck they'll bankrupt the U.S. and in that case it is all worth it and I was wrong to oppose the government's phoney War on Terror. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Clubber, You have any idea at all why these people hate Americans so much? I believe, and I may be incorrect, that the reason is because the U.S. has decided to take sides in an ongoing religious war---arming and funding their enemy. Sorry, I don't give a fly F about thier stupid religion or Christianity or any other religion. Time to get the hell out of the war. Those Israelis who wish to flee to America---well, that is the least America can do. And, generous resettlement benefits would be very nice. Fighting over that stupid piece of desert that God allegedly gave to one group or another is completely brain dead. America should get out of that fight ASAP!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Hi how, We're talking about a tiny group (19 or 20 Holy Warriors?) of nobodies who succeeded due almost entirely to gross government incompetence. It wouldn't matter if this tiny group targeted 3 billion people because it is their capability that is important and not some far fetched dream. I realize that you like to think the almost 3,000 people killed on 911 on the most important people on the planet. They aren't and they aren't by a long shot. I believe it is almost 100,000 Americans that die yearly as a result of medical mistakes. Gee, you think that $1 trillion might be better spent saving those people? According to your math 300 million people might end up in the hopital so spending an extra $1 trillion comes out to a measely $3.33 per American. We can play that silly game with any Federal program so spending $500 trillion per year is a bargain.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Not at all clubber. The government can save hundreds of thousands of lives, if it is willing to spend the money. No, it would rather spend it killing hundreds of thousands to make merchants of death rich. That is what the government is all about. Now, if you think the $1 trillion plus is a bargain, then you should be a liberal. $1 trillion can save a lot of lives.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Thanks for that information MisterGuy. It was difficult to believe Palin actually found a brain on short notice. She was so bad when I saw her that she made President Bush look sharp and informed. And, this lady has like 70% approval in Alaska? Well, she did, imo, seem very likeable except that I'm really tired of hearing terror or terrorism to scare people. She could be the nicest most honorable person in the world and I hear those T-word and instantly think zombie fraudster.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    OK, some poster in some thread asserted President to be Obama ia a MUSLIN. You know the thin plain-weave cotton cloth used to make turbans and curtains . . . OK, correction that was he is a MUSLIM a far more sinister concept that has something to do with Allah and his reward of smoking hot virgins if you blow yourself up and kill a bunch of people especially Americans. So is our President to be Obama truly a MUSLIM? Well, I would say the proof is on those who would assert he is not a MUSLIM. I mean I think the dude's dad was a MUSLIM so it is pretty much an open and shut case. Yes, I realize President to be Obama claims not to be a MUSLIM. So what? Like a politician especially a President to be is going to tell the truth except on pain of death. And, with MUSLIMS since they seek death that won't work either! Also, we must remember the lessons of 911. No, not the lesson that government is grossly incompetent and routinely throws away 100s of billions of dollars. You should have known that before 911. OK, think hard; real hard. Kill MUSLIMS all over the world!!! Well, yes that is one lesson. The other important lesson is never ever trust a MUSLIM! Yes, I realize they were chanting death to America as they boarded the airplanes on their Holy Mission of Divine Retribution, that just shows how tricky and devious they are. I mean you know to never trust a MUSLIM so if they start chanting death to America are you really going to trust them? No. And, these MUSLIMS knew that which is one reason besides it being mellifluous they were chanting death to America and hanging out at stripclubs. Thus, if President to be Obama says he is a MUSLIM it might prove he is, but if he says he isn't a MUSLIM well that doesn't prove anything either. See how tricky these MUSLIMS can be! The burden of proof must always be on those asserting someone is not a MUSLIM. Safety and security first and foremost.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    I have to laugh in that certain "pro-America" factions see a President Obama as the end of liberty in America or America itself. Boo hoo! :) Who'd a thunk after so many soldiers purportedly died for our freedoms that voters would just trash it in a single election. LOL! As an old girlfriend used to tell me: Fuck freedom, just show me the TV dinners and the color TV! Yep, that is what real freedom fighting is about. Not, bombing hapless villagers or threatening the world's oil supply to fill the pockets of your oil barron backers. So who is promising more TV dinners? I'd guess Obama (universal health care), but McCain has money to give away to cash strapped homeowners (at least he is trying to be modern and a moderate). Both seem to vaguely understand that this is at heart a socialist nation and the election may very well go to he who convincingly promises more and better TV dinners and color TVs. Ah, yes, the value of democracy (assuming the election hasn't been successfully rigged).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "Obama will win. In four years The GOP could run Mickey Mouse and win." Incisive insight! Not only does it uncloak the nefarious nulliverse of Walt Disney, but Warren Buffet as well. Flag wavers time to add Mr. Buffet to the cross hairs and squeeze or he'll be acquiring your stocks, if you own any, for pennies on the dollar. Of course, Mickey Mouse as President would be tasty as cheeze after the last 8 years of incompetence. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi clubber, Usually, imho, when a politician has that type of popularity it is either a short spike in popularity due to war success or attack, or because the politician is giving away tons of government money. I can see pro and con with term limits. For the most part I see these politicians as totally negative in value so there shouldn't be any real harm in sweeping them out after a certain arbitrary number of years. (I would love to see President Bush finish the mess he started, however.) I don't think it addresses the fundamental flaw in government and that is one objection that I may have. It is an issue, that imo, requires some serious thought and consideration of all manner of arguments.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    You know sometimes it is fun to play with numbers. Hey, my math skills suck, but compared to many of the cattle class I'm a genius. The first WTC attack in 1993 was for the most part a failure. The second WTC attack in 2001 was for the Holy Warriors a massive success killing almost 3,000 people. Of course, gross government incompetence was crucial for the success of the Holy Warriors fairly elaborate plan of divine retribution---it wasn't like these guys or Bin Laden were some great government secret. So government incompetence is rewarded by around 1 trillion or so and going up in new government spending and the trashing of basic freedoms. Let's try and put 1 trillion dollars into perspective. That is a 1 with twelve zeros!!!!!!!!! OK, I know that doesn't impress anyone. :( They're just zeros after all. Let's further say the government's phoney War on Terror saved another 3,000 American lives that would have perished in the government hadn't gone into nut job mode with President Bush leading the charge. The number could have been far fewer or far more. When I say far fewer remember there was almost a 10 year gap between the first WTC attack in 1993 and the second one in 2001. So how much did each potential life saved cost? Well, $1,000,000,000,000/3,000 = $333,333,333.34!!! Yes, I know it is just numbers. But, that is over $333 million for each person that may have been saved. Of course, maybe 300,000 American lives were saved by the government's phoney War on Terror. In that case each life saved would cost a paltry $3 million plus dollars. I know, I know, I know, a single American life is worth countless trillions to a "conservative." And, that is fine and dandy if it means the government will start paying in FULL the total health care costs for each American. You know universal health care e.g. socialism. This nit wit government can afford it with its printing press and besides real American lives will be saved and health improved. Oh, ban the automobile to save even more lives!!! The government's War on Terror was not only a total fraud, but it was a huge waste of national resources (assuming I haven't screwed up the simple math big time :) ).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Hi clubber, Very true; I see a chat board as a place to throw out ideas and hopefully see if there is any community around core values e.g. the Golden Rule or term limits or guns for babies or etc. Yes, I can see where term limits could be seen as a "core value" in that there may be a strong basic belief that ordinary type folks should be running the government. Definitely an idea with merit, imho. Yes, it would be very nice if conservatives argued that there is no money for social programs because the Constitution doesn't allow it. Also, although Federal Reserve Notes do a tremendous amount of good that is a massive redistribution of wealth! (I'm not blind to the benefits of social programs or fiat currency . . . I just would prefer to see another path . . . one more conducive to freedom from government.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "'Isn't the supposedly 'conservative' Palin a wealth redistributor?' Of course she is!" She is probably way too mentally challenged to figure that out. :( The sad thing is her intelligence level is probably the norm in the U.S. or maybe even higher than the norm. NO!!!, from the interviews I saw it wasn't the media's fault she came across as a pea brain she accomplished that pretty much on her own. I guess the media could have tried to conceal her ignorance and lack of intelligence by coaching her before each interview. Not sure even that could have helped her.