avatar for BigDaddy0h


joined Jan 2007last seen Jun 2018

Comments made by BigDaddy0h

discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for wedgeworth
your opininions gentlemen please
I think maybe doing time in Prison is a good compare/contrast to working in a Strip Club; I don’t really mean that as a negative. The facts are people have a lot of preconceived notions of both societies. Unless you have personally experienced either, in some way, you will ALWAYS be surprised by how different the experience can be and the effects it can have. You might think you can be prepared or have a plan on how to handle it, but the shits gonna change you, your plans and your outlooks. Good, Bad, or Indifferent you change. I think what you want to hear is “You cousin will be fine, safe, and unaffected by the experience.” Reality is your sister will be changed, by the experience and I think, more likely than not the risk presented for negative effects is to great advise that she try it out. There is a reason these girls make the money they do, they accept a certain amount of risk. One girl I have had the pleasure to spend time with, explained that she wouldn’t do this job if it weren’t for the money first off, and second for the occasional decent- nice- real person she meets (was it game? Could have been- but she wasn’t making money when she told me she was tired of dancing and preferred to just sit and chat with me). Lets face it, men are pigs, there are guys that go to strip clubs just to test the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Example, how would your cousin deal with the drunk frat boy sticking his finger up her ass while she was air dancing in front of him? It may not happen all the time, but you know this shit happens. Good Luck to your cousin- sounds like she will make the right decision for herself. I also agree with much of what was said previously. (interesting topic for my first post-- haha)