avatar for spamdog9


joined Jun 2006last seen Jun 2024

Comments made by spamdog9

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for tester22357
First Strip Club Experience
Why is desertscrub even allowed to be an adjudicator any more?… seriously, all he ever does is scream “fake!”. It’s gotten REALLY old. If this is a fake review, then the clubs are branching out and hiring actual writers for a change! LOOOL
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for ndak
First time at Treasure
Yeah, I was wondering about the ‘too explicit’ critique as well…
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for spamdog9
First time at S44.... gotta go back and see if this was a fluke! lol
I did not get floor dances. I did wonder later how much mileage you’d get from those. Will try next time (and there WILL be a next time). But I’m sure there’s no way the VIP dances I got from Angel could match any floor dance... I did also wonder if the 2 floor dances limit was really bar policy or Angel’s policy, or her taking advantage of the fact that I was a newbie there (which I admitted to her). But to be honest, she showed me such a great time, I have no regrets at all. Did not seem like a shark move — which I have experienced enough of at other places and my ‘spidey sense’ usually starts tingling once VIP is mentioned... One last thing: ‘makeup session’ should have been ‘makeout session’, for those wondering if Angel was applying blush and eyeliner to me... and why I’d get off to that.... (stupid autocorrect!!)
review comment
11 years ago
avatar for Harderlap
New Mexico
Pete’s Place is pretty tame by...
Nice to see someone checking out the out of the way place and taking the time to review it. Kudos!