
Comments by YorkNew

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    I must wade in on this one – great topic! I'm an older guy, and over the years, I’ve met a number of strippers outside of strip clubs, usually for lunch or dinner. I’ve noticed two general types. The first, actually appears sincerely interested in developing a real relationship with the customer, but this is very uncommon. Usually, the second type is a stripper essentially taking her customer “girlfriend fantasy business” outside the club hoping for the big payoff, especially a payoff without the club tax, tip-out, etc. These mercenaries prey on the older customer’s delusional fantasy of really making it with a young beauty. If the older customer’s feelings are hurt, these mercenaries couldn’t care less – they only want the money. The customer’s only protection is never pay a stripper for seeing you outside the strip club. This includes helping with rent, etc.