1 yr ago•LittlegeorgereviewedUncle Buck's Boobie Bungalow6404 University Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35806Not the best with one bright spot.
1 yr ago•LittlegeorgereviewedSilhouette's Bikini Sports Bar & Grill1401 E 23rd St Chattanooga, TN 37404Could have been better, but this is Chattanooga
2 yrs ago•LittlegeorgereviewedSilhouette's Bikini Sports Bar & Grill1401 E 23rd St Chattanooga, TN 37404Same old, Same old in Chattanooga.
2 yrs ago•LittlegeorgereviewedFantasia14068 Memorial Pkwy SW Huntsville, AL 35803Good trip to Huntsville.
3 yrs ago•LittlegeorgereviewedSilhouette's Bikini Sports Bar & Grill1401 E 23rd St Chattanooga, TN 37404Bored in Chattanooga.