
Comments by RealBigRed

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    RL had ruined the discourse on my fave club's chat, but I soon learned to ignore him. He posts anonymously and can be eliminated by clicking "hide unregistered chat" on the sign-in page. Also it seems clear to me that RL found our chat page by using the Recent Chat link, which was eliminated by Founder when the new format went into effect. Now that Recent Chat is activated again, it makes it easier for RL (RealLoser, as I think of him) to put in his zero cent's worth if he keeps up with recent chat. I"ll bet he found it difficult to find new places to harass with his asinine SHOUTED questions when Recent Chat was disabled. Does this give anyone any ideas?