Reviews by fred56
Gentlemen's Gold Club
5801 Pulaski Hwy
Baltimore, MD 21205
9 months ago
those were the days!! it costs more.
The decor has not changed in decades. Look at previous discussions to see that.
Went on a Wednesday thinking I would get the best of a low mileage establishment. Well inflation has hit the Gold...
Ebony Inn
5367 Sheriff Road
Fairmount Heights, MD 20743
6 years ago
this was a mixture of the good, the bad, the fugley
Wordy... see previous reviews. This was the first time in a long time that I ventured on a friday evening. I purposely waited until 6pm, the pace was packed!! So now for the details....
Gentlemen's Gold Club
5801 Pulaski Hwy
Baltimore, MD 21205
7 years ago
no refunds
You can see previous posts about the atmosphere. Had last friday off, decided to have a marathon. Gold Club, Desire, Red Room, Ebony Inn.
This was my first stop. Went inside and passed TSA...
Ebony Inn
5367 Sheriff Road
Fairmount Heights, MD 20743
7 years ago
you only really need one spectacular dancer- it was a good friday.
See previous posts about atmosphere. Well what can I say. The pickings were slim but a dancer I was trying to hook up with was there. It was a non-stop solo. I guess I...
Ebony Inn
5367 Sheriff Road
Fairmount Heights, MD 20743
8 years ago
another sunday visit- no i was not ready for some football
You can get the background by reading the previous post. So here are a few updates... Club opens at 5pm on Sundays. All dances are $5.00 all day Sunday. The DJ even announces...
a month agoby