
Comments by sharky6666

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I would like to initially thank each of you for your input into this question – everyone’s perspective was both informative and useful. I have to reiterate that this was my first experience with these types of clubs and since the “dance” was so far outside what is normal, I was really taken aback. Maybe I just got “mileage” (p.s. I learned this term from this site and its really terrible) and that was it. Also, I had understood that the dancers NEVER gave out their real names to customers, and apparently that is quite common. Keeping things in perspective, the everyman’s fantasy of “acquiring the unattainable” and the “hooker with the heart of gold” have been a part of our culture since the earliest of times with the myth of Pygmalion which transformed into current media in john waynes “stagecoach” and more recently “pretty woman”… Alas, fantasy is not reality, nor the converse. I will toss the info.