
Comments by db8max

  • article comment
    15 years ago
    Why I'm Stripping
    Obviously you should dump him for the reasons you mention (if true.)&nbsp; If California is a joint ownership state then you basically have a right to half of what he has.&nbsp; If there are grounds for divorce you will get something in the divorce, and he will be required to pay child support (of course he could try to dodge that.)&nbsp; BUT, the problem you will face is custody of the children. Sounds like he wouldn't want to have custody of them, but he could fight you on it for spite and bring up your dancing career to try to show you shouldn't have custody.&nbsp; I'd have a consult with a knowledgeable divorce lawyer to lay out the pros and cons.&nbsp; Don't just go find another job and dig yourself further in the hole both financially and physically.<br type="_moz" />