
Comments by lingeriebarbie

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do we really care what they (strippers) think about us?
    Well, Bobbyl. A little judgment there with the 'whore' thing, huh? These are people we're talking about. If they are 'just' whores, what are the people who are the clients, in other words, you and me? Are we 'just' johns? Maybe it makes it easier for you to label like that but you're missing a lot of reality that way. As I read more & more of the posts here, it's clear that there is more going on than straight prostitution here, which, anyway, is never clear cut by itself. If you have a beautiful woman and an average looking guy, one way to even out the exchange is with money. Some of us marry for it, others want more freedom and do this kind of work instead.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do we really care what they (strippers) think about us?
    Do the strippers care what you think or care? Hopefully not. Their job is to focus on the cash and getting it out of you. End of story. If there are other issues, they don't really belong at the top of the list. We're all human, just some are more so than others. I've been given the high-hat by strippers who are creeped out by straight women such as myself who enjoy strip clubs. It's their right to act in whatever way they need to, and I don't take it personally. Sometimes I think they just don't know what to do with a woman, but ideally I'm hoping they will just treat me as they treat men, perhaps with a little less anxiety about what I may want from them. Some of the strippers are happy to see me because they understand that I don't want anything more from them than their being who they are. This puts them more at ease, and they feel legitimized by being treated with respect by a patron who is another member of their sex. I think everyone deserves respect, and that generally people will treat you as you treat them if they are able. You can see the difference when you go to a male strip club - the men are not nearly as friendly as female strippers. A lot of it has to do with the power differential between men & women in our culture.