
Comments by jmiddle30234 (page 11)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Have to be more discerning now
    Was there a few days ago quoted 250 plus 50 for vip didn’t want to pay tattaletale prices for fannies
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Slow Saturday afternoon
    Have had some of them want 20 I just tell them no thank u dances at the bar used to be better but they have more cameras and are cracking down. Also no 15 min vip during the day anymore
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    High end prices, lower end girls
    I thought this plays was closed it used to be high mileage even with the short walls they have big vip rooms with doors on the other side but they stopped using them
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A bird in the hand
    Usually it doesn’t bother me but it was really blatant this time. He did take her to vip when I was leaving. For some reason this time it just did
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New favorite in ATL
    If you go day shift you can get the vip w the door for 30 nights it’s hour min but never had any issues. Tattaletale is expensive but have only had one bad vip during the day and none at night . Follies just is t getting the lookers anymore
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Saturday afternoon
    Valentine said she never takes bottoms off offered vip for standard rate but not sure what you get. D don’t want to take the plunge. She won’t last long at that rate
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    SuperBowl Week Visit
    Was the 9 there for Super Bowl only or was she planning on staying
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    SuperBowl Week Visit
    Was the 9 there for Super Bowl only or was she planning on staying
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pre Christmas visit
    Is that the older short black gentleman very sad
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Lackluster visit
    TT all about the vip
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    Day shift pays pays off
    Finding offering the 15 only in the day shift
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Don't Believe the little bit of hype
    Was there yesterday around 2 remodel going on busy when I walked in but cleared out dancers from An 8 to a 2 had a dance from a thin brunettte in costume from Mardi Gras would have taken her back but to may times they don’t perform
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Don't Believe the little bit of hype
    Was there yesterday around 2 remodel going on busy when I walked in but cleared out dancers from An 8 to a 2 had a dance from a thin brunettte in costume from Mardi Gras would have taken her back but to may times they don’t perform
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Walk about
    Was there sat about 6:30 omg they are really benefiting from all the closures there were at least three 8’s 5 6’s and a few 4’s. It was packed saw one I new from flashers several years ago as well as ginger. She landed here after Riley closed. Took the one I new from way back to vip. Lfk and we left happy but we’re discreet. As long as management doesn’t become an ass could be a good substitute for follies or tattaletales. Vip was 200 50 room and tip one fifty to girl although i’ve Had 150 all in. Also been ROB as well.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good time
    Some of the new girls have that Gps syndrome especially from Mardi Gras
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good time
    Some of the new girls have that Gps syndrome especially from Mardi Gras
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    was hoping for better
    I saw jersey yesterday delight yes but jersey looks to thin to be pregnant
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    On The Decline
    I was there the other day and cat was back also was at tt late one night and robin the old dancer/waitress was dancing there but tt is double the follies price may need to substitute quality for quantity
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Strokers Is Worth A Try
    Do you know if savannah cute white spinner is back here
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Definitely Worth Cover Charge, But I Have Some Concerns
    I heard they were closed for having an underage dancer this is one of my go to in houston
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Better Than Before
    I heard Mario sold the place
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Dropping In Quality
    This place has become a complete rip off I quit going several months ago I did hear Mario sold it though not sure if true
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Thick Blonde
    Fannies definitely hit or miss the girls have to work a min tues or send to work the weekend since I usually end up on Monday never sure who is going to be there. Cassie is usually a sure thing and a thin blonde destiny i think
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Help!!! These New Follies Standards Must Go!
    Had a dance with a girl named peach she had a nice black onsie and blond hair. Hanging w Cassie got a dance didn’t take anything of I thought ok let’s try one more just style there back to me w small movement I asked if she did vip was curious said yes 200 we could have fun I passed
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Where havall the good girls gone
    Harlow gives good floor dances but not enough I was going to go today but with the football game and the weather I’ll probably hold off need to go visit pompano soon