
Comments by Plink

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper names and what they mean...
    I was in a club once, several years ago, and enjoying the performance of a dancer named "Crystal". She was completely hot, the bar was nearly dead, and we spent several hours between dances nursing drinks and chatting. When I said it was time to go, she wrote her name and number on a slip of paper and told me to give her a call sometime. I rang her number about a week later and asked for Crystal. After waiting for a minute or so, Crystal answered, and I reminded her we had met in the club last week, and she had given me her number. We agreed to meet for lunch the next day, and I reminded her of my physical description so she would be able to locate me. At the restaurant, and complete stranger walked up to me, introduced herself as Crystal, and said she was embarassed to admit it, but she didn't recall meeting me at all. Turns out I had been drooling over the body of her roommate. actually Diana, who was working in the club using her roomie's name. The real Crystal and I had a nice lunch together. Once things were sorted out, I did go out for dinner with Diana a couple days later. For whatever it was worth, as the evening went on, it became more obvious that she wasn't my type, and we never saw each other again.