Mac's Two Lounge
176 Boston Rd North Billerica, MA 01862

Mac's Two Lounge Reviews

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  • review
    5 years ago
    Rest in Peace
    Last week the local paper confirmed what my recent visits (more accurately drive-bys) had indicaed. Mac's Two is closed. The front page headline read "Billerica strip club closes, sued" (See https://www.lowellsun.com/2019/11/23/macs-two-lounge-closes-named-in-labor-lawsuit/...
  • review
    5 years ago
    C L O S E D. Sign on the door indicated closed for good Save a trip. Dancers heading to different clubs Couple at the club, 1 to golden banana Closed closed c l o s e d closed closed...
    Here we go again
  • review
    5 years ago
    Friday at the Deuces
    Went with a few friends to celebrate an engagement (wasnt a bachelor party). I grew up near the Deuces (what we called the place growing up)and always heard stories but never went until now....
    Mass/RI - 30y/o
  • review
    5 years ago
    might try again
    arrived after 7 pm and paid a $10 cover charge and paid $5 for a soda. there is a 1 drink min. There is a no booze club but is nude, ...
    Here we go again
  • review
    5 years ago
    Hot dancers but not much else
    Arrived around 9 pm on a Thursday and there were probably five dancers though it appeared only four took turns on the stage. There is a one drink minimum. Sat down looking at the...
    North Carolina
  • review
    5 years ago
    A rare Friday night
    Enter The Chaindog. I work 3-11 so I rarely get here mon-fri. I was hoping to see the " A " list dancers. I arrived about 8pm, My favorite spinner of a door...
  • review
    5 years ago
    No alcohol
    Strange having lemonade at a strip club. “Hi, $10 cover and you have to buy one drink” was my greeting. I had gone to visit 4 strip clubs in Worcester that day so I...
  • review
    5 years ago
    Complete waste of time...
    Was in the area and decided to stop. It’s been a while and not much has and not much has changed. This club is hit or miss for the most part. As it was...
    Rhode Island
  • review
    5 years ago
    Thursday at 3 pm
    it has been awhile and not as good as before, arrived about 3 on a thursday and there were only 3 dancers working. when i arrive 2 dancers were doing VIP and...
    Here we go again
  • review
    5 years ago
    strict no touching
    ok so i'm from new york and i'm very used to two way touching. The fact that this club disallows it is kind of a huge bummer for me. I enter the establishment and...
  • review
    5 years ago
    Got burned
    Enter The Chaindog. I grabbed a 3 day weekend and headed in to this club Friday night. Full parking lot, Ten dollar cover to an older spinner working the door, Would love to bounce...
  • review
    5 years ago
    More Like An AMP Than A Strip Club But No Happy Ending
    This place had been around forever despite losing its liquor license and having mediocre talent. I remember coming here in the early 80’s when they still served alcohol but even then it was a...
    Smoke em if you got them
  • review
    5 years ago
    More Like An AMP Than A Strip Club But No Happy Ending
    This place had been around forever despite losing its liquor license and having mediocre talent. I remember coming here in the early 80’s when they still served alcohol but even then it was a...
    Smoke em if you got them
  • review
    5 years ago
    A rare Friday night visit
    ENTER THE CHAINDOG! ( Deep Purple " Perfect Strangers is my entrance music lol) A rare Friday night visit. I was feeling poorly but had money to spend and was looking for a...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Happy Festivus!
    ENTER THE CHAINDOGI Came in Sunday night looking for KC hoping to celebrate Festivus. I was happy to see cars in the parking lot and customers in the building. Ten dollar cover, 5 bucks...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Halloween party?
    Enter The Chaindog! Halloween is my favorite time of year for stripclubbing, It is old school, Dancers in costume, theme sets, skits all that jazz. Got in about 8pm, ten dollar cover, Doorgirl, and...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Last Resort
    From the outside, this place looks rundown. I went in middle of afternoon last Thursday. There were about 5 girls there with no hotties. Girls were between 5-7...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Sunday nights are not what they used to be:-(
    Enter the Chaindog! Sunday nights used to be my favorite night in this club but that was many years ago. I came in bored about 8:30 pm. ten dollar cover to a older...
  • review
    6 years ago
    In and Out
    So came here during a late afternoon about 3 or 4pm and figured it would be picking up but I was sorely disappointed. The was a ten dollar cover and a one drink...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Sunday night used to be my favorite night but that was years ago:-(
    Enter The Chaindog. I hit a hundred bucks in the lottery and decided to get the lay of the land. After fortifying myself with 2 nips of Yukon Jack I ventered in. Maybe 15...
  • review
    6 years ago
    at 52 I do not need age appropiate dancers
    Enter the Chaindog. Friday night should be the best line up right? The Varsity, The " A " list? Well no not at all. Came in about 8:30 north of 1400 bucks in...
  • review
    6 years ago
    slow day
    got there early in the afternoon and there was 2 dancers working. one i think was Lion and an AA and they did three dances on the stage and switched out. there...
    Here we go again
  • review
    6 years ago
    Might be time for a change.
    Enter The Chaindog. I like this club. I have had a lot of fun here over the years and unless Angel's are hanging out even at north of 50 I am the Alpha male....
  • review
    6 years ago
    It Was Friday
    arrived just after it opened, 10 dollar cover charge, 5 dollars for a soda. one dancer working then by the time i left 5 more came. dance stage is fairly large with...
    Here we go again
  • review
    6 years ago
    Early Evening Thursday
    This was my first time at Mac's, after reading mixed reviews I figured it was worth a shot. I arrived around 7 (early, I know) and I think I was the only patron there,...