An Idea Nobody Is Interested In But Me
I'd live this way again
I wish I could see who rejected an article/review again and what they wrote in the rejection box. I don't think anyone else is interested in that, but seeing what guys wrote for their rejections was sometimes insightful and often hilarious.
last commentCould be interesting lol.
I think you can see exactly that right now!
@RonJax2 Maybe its just me, but 4-5 doesn't work for me right now.
It's tricky. If you click on the title of the club you'll go to the club's page. On Step 4 you've got to click the title of the review.
Like if I browse recently rejected reviews, the first one is a review The Go-Go Rama, titled "Goddess". If I click on "Goddess" I can read the rejected review and scroll down to the rejected reasons.
Not also that Step 4 takes a while for TUSCL to load, just like My Feed takes awhile. I'm guessing that's because these pages aren't pre-computed or cached.
Actually shit I just tried it and now I'm getting a javascript error on step 4, so @IWantHerOnMe I think you're right that it's broken now. I swear though, it was working at the time I posted the prior comment, just like 30 mins ago!
@RonJax I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I also don't think theres a bunch of us that want it back
I actually liked being able to see the rejected reviews, but that feature hasn't been working (for me) for several days now.
@EastCoaster I also liked seeing who posted the rejected review, there actual username. There a difference between a troll and someone who just doesn't know what's expected yet.