Sunday Daytime, Spring 2024

avatar for niknikbk
Might be a long shot but I'm hoping someone can hook me up with a name and/or status of a dancer I saw on a Sunday (early) afternoon in early April last year. White, short, very dark hair, kinda thick but just barely, her nails/clothes/accessories were all very neon/rainbow-y. Maybe green-ish eyes, though it was super dark. If you squint really hard her face kindaa like like Aya Cash (actress on The Boys s2). Only other indicator I remember is her saying she only works Sunday daytime, but that could have changed to include more shifts. Or less, and she's gone! Thanks


avatar for JerseyJoe
4 days ago
Next time you visit, ask the bartender or one of the daytime managers
avatar for niknikbk
3 days ago
that's the thing I've only ever been there the one time, and will be in the area again soon. Might just stop in on Sunday afternoon and try my luck.
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