Which PH dancers…..

avatar for Jdr137
Go the farthest as far as you are aware. This be either regulars or new patrons. And curious standard “tip” or upcharge associated with the extra. Thanks all. And for those who get defensive- it people name drop, that is their decision. This is a discussion. Thanks.


last comment
avatar for misterorange
19 days ago
Ivana Humpalot is the best value. She loves humping so much, she'll meet you out in the parking lot and do you for free. You don't even have to pay the $10 cover charge.
avatar for OG12346
19 days ago
Tis better to give then recieve. As a newbie, starting with asking explicit questions is creepy. PH has a history of legal issues with the township. The cameras, you have asked about, were orgiinally installed, at their request, along with the shortened doors.
Write a review of a visit. Give us some knowledge. Then, when you ask questions about contravertial topics, people will feel more comfortable sharing info with you.
If you read the forum, you will see who is popular, and, get an idea who does more than others.
avatar for Manuellabore
19 days ago
Also, try looking up the meaning of the word “defensive”
avatar for bassdrumhanging
18 days ago
What OG said.
avatar for Package
18 days ago
Read the reviews . All the info is there . The search button is your friend
avatar for TheSingularity
17 days ago
Gotta give to get
avatar for RockAllNight
17 days ago
So, you joined a couple of months ago and this is your first contribution to the site.

Thanks, but no
avatar for Jdr137
17 days ago
Lol. Bunch of tools. Just don’t reply rather than go after me like an army.
And just because I joined here a month or so ago, don’t think I haven’t been around for a long time - I might even be friends with you. I might not like you. I might know one of your favorite girls that you review and rave about actually hates going back with you. Point is, don’t gang up on someone you don’t know, because you actually do know him….or her ;)
avatar for Jdr137
17 days ago
Thanks but, yes. Who asked you anyway, Mr free time
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