Desire1 Franklin Sq
Providence, RI 02903
Strippers Doing Porn

OldWhiteGuyBut not too old!
I'm just wondering what the proper etiquette is for discussing local strippers doing porn?
I'm just wondering what the proper etiquette is for discussing local strippers doing porn?
last commentDiscuss, like here?
If it's public, it's public.
Who is it?
Desire has been on my bucket list for awhile now.
Presumably any strippers that make pornos want demented perverts to watch it. Well…I actually presume the stripper wanted the money to make the porno and doesn’t give that much of a shit about who watches it.
Well…if you talk to the stripper about her porno she may be put off by demented perverts who do crazy shit while they watch porno. So if you’re into jackin’ it after you’ve inserted a big ass dildo in your butthole and you celebrate afterward by drinkin’ a strawberry Yoo-hoo maybe you don’t tell the whole truth. My rickvice is to imagine what a normal demented pervert would say and only say that. ROAR!!!
If my question wasn't clear, I'm wondering if we should share the identity of girls doing porn on this site.
Rick completely missed the point and Owl will only be disappointed because, although it's my favorite stripclub, Desire is no where near a "bucket list" destination.
I tend not to expose girls who do porn unless they flaunt it, because I don’t think these girls realize the implications of doing it.
They probably get $500-$2,000 for doing a porn shoot, and they think they’ll become the next OnlyFans model that makes a million a month, and then they don’t. But they don’t really think about the implications of that porn being on the internet for the rest of their lives, and their kid’s lives, etc.
That said, I sent you a report of the girls that I know that do porn, and I'll share it with other regular contributors.
@ nelly76
Please do. I want to see it.
@ OldWhiteguy
What matters is if there are women doing extras. If that's a possibility, it's worth it to me. I'm not a hard animal to please.
I'd love to know who at Desire is shooting scenes
How many strippers have their OnlyFans listed on their Instagram?
My opinion is don't discuss it unless it is something the stripper openly brings up with customers or they advertise it on their social media apps. Some girls don't want it to be widely known when they do porn so I don't feel the need to put it out there.
It also brings about some of the same issues as discussing which strippers do extras. Sure there is nothing illegal about them doing porn unlike extras, but there is a safety issue involved for her. Some guys figure if a girl is willing to fuck certain guys for money that automatically means she will be willing to fuck them for money. A lot of guys get very upset and potentially violent if they get denied extras from a girl that they have heard does pay for play sex whether that be extras ITC, OTC or porn. Some entitled assholes can't understand that even if a dancer has sex with people for money that she still has a choice in who she does that with and they may not make the cut for whatever reason.
@ whodey
I agree. I actually know a former dancer from Fantasia who does porn (filmed porn, not just OF). She apparently has a certain type of guy she wants to do it with (white men). I have also learned that on average, porn stars have a higher standard for hygiene.
I shower everyday and try to maintain clean clothes, but apparently that isn't enough for some women for whatever reason. My point is that you are correct, paid sex does not mean sex with everyone.
What upsets me are the women who still want the privileges of a relationship while they literally selling themselves. But that's a different problem.
Nelly, would also like to see the report
I won’t name them, but I know of 3 at CD that have done hardcore porn (many more do OF type stuff but I don’t really count that) and one at Boardroom. They are not difficult to find, but I only discuss through PM.
I know of one at Dolls who told me she likes working at Dolls because it's is a non-extras club.
She then showed me her phone with the web site of a Providence "lifestyle" social club. She said she knows the regulars there and they put on a show. I could attend, would be naked and participation subject to discussion.
So she does porn, but it is unpaid and not filmed. She has standards who she has sex with. It seems that it is a private matter and not for public knowledge.
Reminds me of, like 20 years ago at Scarlett's with my buddy Jim who shot porn for years, saw a girl he had shot, she complained to him, her parents saw her on the front page of cumfiiesta dot com. She wanted it removed. He said, "honey you signed a release, you can't get it removed".
Ha - in Dallas a million years ago, get a Latina stripper to do OTC. Few years later looking at porn on the internet (for research purposes) and there she is in a scene.
They “interviewed” her at the beginning of the scene and all her answers were snotty. I was thinking “with an attitude like that she’s not going to last long in the industry.” Sure enough she did one other scene (that I could find) and that was it.
I knew a former stripper who worked at Thee dollhouse in MB who did porn on the side & now on the cover of Penthouse January playmate.
It’s kind of in reverse in the Miami clubs, where some of the Miami based pornstars will dance in the clubs. But since today’s pornstars are so random and anonymous, and not celebrities (like in the 90’s), they’re working as regular dancers, and you wouldn’t know that they performed in porn unless they told you.
@OWG, it's perfectly ok to share the identity of girls doing porn on this site as long it isn't revenge porn shot without their consent. Most ladies like Alice and Lauren are happy to promote their porn performances, tell their customers. It's like a badge of honor for them. To them it shows their "baddie" status to both customers and fellow dancers. They also think it gives them reason to charge more since in their eyes they're a celebrity.
So go ahead, post the list. You're putting money in their pockets as they see it.
Loren does porn and it’s excellent. Before anyone yells at me about it’s mentioned all the time here. Alice does too. Lots of women do it on Only Fans. Lux who used to be here and went to Foxy does a lot of it.
I've done some porn but I haven't benefited from it yet. And it's almost impossible to find.
Many years ago, I was at a club and they were showing the new video of a dancer performing in a porn film at the same time she was on stage. Not a feature - just a regular house dancer.
I didn’t care for it. I’m no prude, but it kind of disgusted me to see a dancer live on stage at the same time I could glance up and watch her getting drilled in the ass