Did anyone ever....

avatar for OG12346
I know we've all wanted to ask a dancer

"How come you don't #$&@ #&+# me? My friend says you do it for him."

Did you ever have a dancer ask you

How come you tip !?$#@ $20, but you don't
Tip me?"


last comment
avatar for DocAlonzo
a month ago
Bahaaa… I know why she does #$&@ for my friend, because my friends there twice a week and does 30 dances each visit. I’m not doing that so yea, it’s all good.

I used to pay the house fee for one of my favorite dancers ($15.00). Then I had others asking me to pay for theirs. I’d give them $3.00 and send them on their way.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Why would anyone assume a story about sex is true?
avatar for TheSingularity
a month ago
Because why else post them?
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^lmao if you're joking. Fuck off if you're serious.
avatar for TheSingularity
a month ago
They even got your preferred location right.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
I would never get entertained that conversation with any dancer, especially not any at the Burlington Hand Factory.
avatar for Manuellabore
a month ago
The prospect of somebody asking this question of a dancer is why I never tie a specific dancer to extras (and you shouldn’t either).
Now, if somebody is getting shut down for HJs at Playhouse, something else is going on
avatar for nyprof10
a month ago
There’s a handful of dancers there that offer FS - one of which is a fan favorite
💰💰💰 talks
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
I would point out that real man would never ask the question.
avatar for Jdr137
19 days ago
NYPROF- are you saying this happens on site - or OTC?

Does anyone think the cameras mean anything?I am beginning to believe the cameras are a good method for the women to be safe and comfortable, and to ensure no drug use takes place. The whole “position at the right angle so no one sees on camera” is not realistic. It’s a hell of a job however to be behind that screen.
avatar for nyprof10
18 days ago
Def in the club - camera wasn’t an issue, she moved closer to the door
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