1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Searching for the Biggest Rack

Avatar for Ydstretch

I have searched the reviews (thank you, OWG, PapaBear, and others) for information on the dancers with the biggest, bodacious, boobs at CD and have come up with a list that I need information on. Anyone have shift information, or private room details (message me), on the following?

I have had experience with the following list, and am willing to trade info.
Cammy Lee, Dallas, Malibu, Nicole, Reign, Sassy, Toni, Vee

Anybody I'm missing? Thanks in advance!


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Avatar for MrHombre

Fuck it man here’s my info, your welcome:

Amy asked 5 bills for advanced ootion. Declined.

Brittany, don’t know her.

Chiara, seems like scammer.

Jaylynn, don’t know her.

Jemma, no idea who she is.

Jenna, she doesn’t have big boobs and you are probably referring to Kami who calls herself Jenna for some unknown fucking reason. Kami is a scammer, avoid.
Leah. She can be annoying. Asked 4 bills for advanced option. Declined.

Camry Lee, a bit psycho and been around for years. Avoid. This is on intel from both staff and some guys I got to know in real life. Did my he on her.

Dallas. Absolutely excellent and a great person. Will not go into any details. Talk to her and find out.

Malibu. Never tried.

Nicole. Left to have a kid. Don’t think she’ll be back.

Reign. Not a fan.

Sassy. Excellent value.

Toni. Don’t know her.

Vee. Never tried, but want to.

Avatar for skibum609

I would never disrespect the affable, regular human being known as Sassy, but the remainder do zip for me. Best big boobs in Desires? Sam. Also, helps that they are attached to a true sweetheart.

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

For once I’ll agree with Skibum. Sam’s tits are amazing and so is she. Naomi has a milky pair too but she’s not the angel that Sam is.

Avatar for nelly76


Kami once used the name Jenna with me, too. I knew she was a scammer from this board, so I avoided her, and assumed she was just using a different name because her scamming reputation had gotten out under the name Kami.

However, she was also on tryst as Jenna, so maybe she uses both.

Leah is very annoying. Told her I was waiting for someone else, and it was difficult to make her leave.

Avatar for OldWhiteGuy

The only one of your question marks with whom I have experience is Amy.
She is expensive...but worth it!

The only one on your list about whom I am curious is Camy Lee.
We've had one encounter but the circumstances may have impacted the performance

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Amy is the blonde with the fake knockers and lots of tattoos right?

Avatar for Ydstretch

@HHP - Yep. Evidently is in Cali for most of the month and does one week in PVD.

@OWG - Would love to compare notes on Camy Lee. Make sure I wasn't missing anything.

Avatar for cdawg

Im still a fan of renesme and kai.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^^ Vega has a huge rack but her VIP was very uninspired.

Avatar for Greenshirt

Vee has a nice natural rack. Great to cozy up to.

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