Stupid Dress Code

avatar for BuckMcNutter
Stuck up goon bouncer would not let me in recently because he said my GOLF shorts were too soft and the girls would be offended if I got a lap dance. Wow, I was not even wearing my commandos that I now have to sneak into most clubs..
next time I will wear my denim jeans, so it tears their labia …. Dumb Ass !!


last comment
Wow. I was going to check this place out, but not now.
LAME. Whats the point of a "i cant feel it" lapdance?
No one likes the ldk crowd.
avatar for Iknowbetter
4 months ago
This club sucks anyway. You’re better off spending your money elsewhere.
I'd suggest going to Cheetah's in Hallandale Beach. It's close by and I think they'll let you wear your soft golf shorts LOL!
Lurkingdog so you can psy to cum in your pants lol
avatar for funonthaside
4 months ago
Can't get the thought of bouncer touching your shorts to sense the softness, out of my head.
I'm curious, what day/time? On Fri/Sat nights they get a little fussy, especially during season. I don't go here frequently, but I've been in the past 90 days or so and I'm sure I was wearing golf shorts and tennis shoes and didn't get a 2nd look.

I'm not trying to defend this club, cause I do agree it's really not that great anymore. Used to be they had a club backed with stunners, but nowadays they're solidly middling. If you're into more the club scene, it ain't bad, but as a strip joint, I wouldn't bother.

But at the same time, like funonthaside said, something doesn't check out about the bouncer touching your shorts. I don't feel like I'm getting the whole story here.
Scarlets back in the day had a lot of hot women, it’s been a long time since I was there, I’ve heard from folks that the club has become overrun with chubby girls.
avatar for Nixur68
4 months ago
Since when did Scarlett's have a dress code? It's higher end now?
He didn’t even touch them. Just looked at them and implied too thin and soft

And tootsies won’t allow you in during the day unless your shorts have a belt loop. As if that’s going to stop the joint from being a Cuban brothel. Also , no flip flops for men. it’s south Fl !!!
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