logo for Treasure Club Asheville
Treasure Club Asheville
520 Swannanoa River Rd Asheville, NC 28805

Flood damage?

avatar for ondaroad
Does anyone know if TC survived the hurricane? It is in a part of town that was hit hard.


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avatar for gobstopper007
4 months ago
Closed until further notice. Pretty bad damage but can be repaired. No point in reopening until surrounding area back to normal and customers have time and money to spend.
avatar for rawhide2
4 months ago
closed due to damage - reopening tbd... this looks serious from the local news reports
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
4 months ago
In South GA. A dancer from here started working at a club in my city. Told me the damage might be too bad to reopen Treasures.

She said she'll eventually return to AVL, but right now the city's such a wreck there's not even a customer base for a club.
avatar for AtheistDan
4 months ago
Their facebook does say they are going to rebuild! Hopefully a new better updated design with better lighting and more mirrors.
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