1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Cuban girl Chiara

Avatar for smartestkidontheshortbus

She seems to be a part of the influx of new girls. Big tits, tattoo on forearm, cant miss her. I saw a couple of comments made about her on here. Was wondering if anyone has any feedback on her performance in cr or extras available. Cheers.


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Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

She’s the one with the big natural titties right? She looks cute and amazing tits but I got a weird vibe from her like I felt like she might be a hustler or something but I can’t say for sure.

Avatar for Meshuggah

new account asks about 1 specific girl? hmmm

Avatar for skibum609

Troll account, created when a dancers name is mentioned in a less than positive light. One of the posters here does it. Just like with Vivian last week or so.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Don't connect dancers by name to extras and don't ask others to do that either. It's really shitty and can jam up a dancer at the club.

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Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

If she's the one I think she is those tits are fake and her 2 song dance was nothing special.

Avatar for CryptoBrah

You should contribute more before asking specific questions about a dancer and keep certain topics out of the public eye. I saw her she looks good despite the enhancements, that’s all I know.

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

I thought her titties looked real, no? I’m usually pretty tuned into that.

Avatar for nelly76

Hungryhunnypot's gravestone:

"Tuned into titties, turned off by tattoos"

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Looks like OWG doesn’t like the tattoos either

Avatar for sinclair

If it is a tattoo of a tiger on her forearm, and she has fake D cups, then it sounds like a dancer who introduced herself as Deanna to me. She is a ROB and should be avoided.

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