1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

VIP or LD?

Avatar for Rodjet

Going to make a stop in tonight, but certainly seems like the ld prices are so inflated that skipping and heading to the VIP is my best bet. That a good read? What's the Sunday evening scene like?


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Avatar for Manuellabore

On a dollar per minute basis, plus the greater privacy, a 15 minute VIP seems like a better deal, even without extras, which would require a tip on top of sticker price, if available at all. You risk enduring 15 minutes with a dud, but not many of those at Desire, IME

Avatar for Hungryhunnypot

Not all require a tip. I bet Reign would go into first gear for the $150 alone. The cr is a better deal and you can ask the girl what she’ll do before you go in.

Avatar for JustSumGuy

Do you tip if you get VIP with no extras?

Avatar for skibum609

^If the dancer excites me, I enjoy myself and I can picture myself seeing her again I have no objection to an extra, and usually pop another twenty. Half my family are New Yorkers where tipping is like a religion and the other half had a lot of waitresses, so I tend to tip everybody decently and tipping is a skill, when if done right gets you different treatment.
Example: If you plan to throw $10.00 to the valet, don't wait for your car to come back and then give him the money. Give him $5.00 when he takes it and $5.00 when you get your car back 10 minutes before the rest of your party.

Avatar for OldWhiteGuy

A VIP doesn't need to include extras to be fun!
If I do a dance and the girl is sexy, seductive, teasing.... she gets a tip.
I'd rather have that than a mechanical, disinterested extra.

Avatar for skibum609

My post seems fucked up. The tip is to a non-extra girl, as extras for $20.00 would be magical.

Avatar for Manuellabore

This may be a controversial take around here but I consider tips to be an integral part of a dancer's economic ecosystem, just like a server at a restaurant or bar. My default is to always tip something unless the dancer tries to cheat me or otherwise messes up. Even if a newbie dancer gives me a totally inept dance (don't know I keep letting that happen) I'll give her something as a confidence booster.
I'll tip reasonably generously on a first LD (don't have many second LDs) if I like the dancer and see her as a good prospect for a future extras VIP. Rarely do non-extras VIPs unless I nutted recently and decide to drink the rest of the night away. Even then, I'll pitch DATY

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