1530 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134

Seattle strip club becomes first in WA to serve alcohol in decades.

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, June 15, 2024 1:30 PM


  • Context21
    3 months ago
    That place was a waste of time before and will continue to be waste of time even with alcohol available.
  • wallanon
    3 months ago
    Now maybe the Seattle homers will acknowledge that a "real" strip club is serving alcohol.
  • Context21
    3 months ago
    They all will be sooner than later.
  • skinnywhiteboy
    3 months ago
    Some of us already do acknowledge that. I drive down to Portland a few times a year for that exact reason. Might have to stop by this weekend now just to check it out. Worst case I'll just finish my beer and drive to Kittens.
  • ArtCollege
    3 months ago
    Seattle generally has had great mileage in the right clubs, (even sometimes in the Deja Vu clubs, though not reliably). Portland has good beer and liquor in its clubs. Great mileage on rare occasions, OK mileage mostly. So if you can get off while sober, Seattle has been the better choice. If you like to drink with blue balls, Portland's for you. One of the Deja Vu clubs serving alcohol won't change that.
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