The Crazy Horse
980 Market St San Francisco, CA 94102

Open at 4 on Fridays

Avatar for palmtrees

Listed as open on Fridays at 4 on their website. Anyone been? Hopefully means a return of the dayshift girls from pre-covid.


Avatar for lambda019

I went May 24th between 5 and 6PM. Despite what their website said, I was told this was the first Friday they had the earlier hours.

There were three dancers. One whose name starts with K told me she used to work dayshift and hopes it does eventually expand to other days. She said more dancers were expected to come in at the regular openimg time, 7PM.

I think I only counted 5 customers, including myself, for the hour I was there. Not sure if word needs to spread more or if 4PM-7PM is a natural lull, as I didn't go to CH when dayshift was around.

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