Paradise Gentlemen's Club
14310 Valley Blvd City of Industry, CA 91746


Avatar for Oscarwilde

Anyone got the insight on Wolfie? Her IG/OF? I saw her about a week ago, but spaced on asking these questions cause I was zoned in.


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Avatar for CJKent_band


I will play along and comment n your discussion.

Why don’t you go see her again, and ask her about herself and if she is available for OTC?

According to the club website this is her Work schedule: Nights only-Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday adn Sunday Night

Do you realize that you are behaving like a stalker?

I would recommend Wolfe to: let’s be careful out there.


Avatar for Oscarwilde

You must not know the definition of stalker Einstein lol
Keep clout chasing and looking for brownie points with strippers though kiddo.

Avatar for CJKent_band

From Google’s Urban Dictionary:


Someone who:

  1. Literally follows a person's every move, on Facebook or otherwise.

  2. Is way too obsessed with someone to the point of being a creeper.


Avatar for Oscarwilde

Are you really using Urban Dictionary as a scholarly source?
I can see why you're on this website on a Friday night?
I literally asked if anyone had the chick's social media.
P.S she fucked me after talking to me for about twenty minutes so she's obviously not creeper out by me idk why you are, but like I said keep trying to make yourself seem relevant son.

Avatar for elmaniaco

That bitch wolfie looks pretty thick I might try her

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