Creekside Cabaret
3225 Advance Ln
Hatfield, PA 18915
Is Creekside part of the Club Risqué family?
Asking this question, but I think I know the answer. I was in Quakertown a few weeks ago and I saw a young woman( in civies) wearing a jacket with Creekside Cabaret on the back and “part of the Club Risqué family” on the sleeve. She was with another young woman, also in civvies, who also looked like she might be a dancer. It was intersting seeing them unmade up and dressed in sweats etc. kinda like seeing behind the scenes.
If you follow them and Club Risque on social media or hear their radio ads you'll notice that when they book a feature dancer there's a rotation. Something like Thursday night at Creekside, Friday at CR Bristol, and Saturday at CR Philly.