
White people banned from baking competition

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

Flour company to baking contestants: whites need not apply...



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Avatar for motorhead

There’s an ex university president looking for a job

Avatar for blahblahblah23

just tell the whites to say they are native american. Most american whites do this anyway lmfao!

Avatar for 5footguy

As @ilbbaicnl has highlighted, there are plenty of existing discriminatory programs in place already.

Really though, it's their prerogative. They are saying that only "Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African America; Hispanic or Latinx; Indigenous or Native American; Middle Eastern or North African" may apply. This is who they define as People of Color.

The thing I wonder though, is this. If a competition were created which only allowed "European, White, Anglo-Saxon" (let's call this group "People without Color"), would the people who set up the programs only for People of Color fully support those who set up the programs for People without Color? Or, would there be a massive uproar, everyone involved be labeled racist, and a gargantuan effort be organized to ensure that the organization who set up the "People Without Color" sponsorship were obliterated from the face of the earth?

If both are allowed and fully supported, there is equity and equality. Otherwise, there is not.

Avatar for rawhide

they are jealous of the cock size of hte white man.. we bring a large fucking load of cum

Avatar for skibum609

If you want non-white winners, then you have to ban whites. It's like grading on the curve; the Bell curve.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Don't eat anything with glaze on it when rawhide's baking.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

If the Klan switched to having baking contests instead of establish-dictatorship contests, that would be nice.

Avatar for skibum609

If you look at progressives and democrat's views on Jewish people they are the modern day KKK.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

I think more than those hate jews. I am not even really sure why but yeah

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