
Safe club?

Thursday, October 12, 2023 1:44 PM
Last strip club I went to felt so sketch (cheerleaders Philly around 10pm on a Wednesday) saw about 3 dudes who looked like they were ready to rob someone at any moment. Anyone got a suggestion for just a really safe club to go to (maybe in a nicer area). Or is that not possible with strip clubs? Thank you.


  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    Are you worried about the clientele, or club location? It's Philly....not sure you're going to find anything that checks all of the safety boxes. Cheerleaders is on the upper scale of safety regarding location. But, if you want locations outside of the city proper, try Sin City or Oasis. Generally, daytime club clientele is more subdued than nighttime clientele. So, maybe try daytime hours.
  • twentyfive
    9 months ago
    Or just remember the Lord’s Prayer the way it was originally written in the Old Testament ‘Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil For I’m the meanest motherfucker in the valley’
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    I was interested in tens cabaret in Staten Island. Seems safe. Anyone else agree?
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    ^ except for a shooting a few years ago......example of no place being exempt from random violence.
  • gammanu95
    9 months ago
    "For I’m the meanest motherfucker in the valley" Deaf, blind, demented and ugly isn't mean. Even the homeless junkies feel sorry for you. They only cross the street because they can smell you from a block away.
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    @funonthaside tens cabaret just opened this year. How could there b a shooting?
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    Under the old name
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    ...same address
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    I guess there’s just no winning then when it comes to strip clubs and safety lmao
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    Yep.....stick with OF
  • Jascoi
    9 months ago
    yeah. look at the Victoria's secret catalog.
  • skibum609
    9 months ago
    I am not worried about atrio club shootings because I have never been closer than 18" to one.
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    Never understood y guys pay for OF when porn is free. Makes actually no sense to me
  • skibum609
    9 months ago
    ^Sane reason I pay to eat at a restaurant, despite the fact we both cook very well ourselves. To be fair I don't do OF or porn.
  • Specialj
    9 months ago
    Generally speaking regardless of the club, the later you go the more likely you are to run into trouble.
  • JackKash
    9 months ago
    ^^As Shadowcat's posting of the "2am-ers" will attest.
  • Manuellabore
    9 months ago
    Cheerleaders location is no more or less dangerous than anywhere else. Oasis and Sin City are in the city and arguably more remote
  • 59
    9 months ago
    The bad actors often like remote. Easy in easy out.
  • 59
    9 months ago
    Police officer killed at PHL airport last night. Located close to Oasis and Sin City, all three within Philadelphia city limits. [view link]
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    What about playhouse lounge?
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    Playhouse Lounge may be best for you. The only criminal activity there is the newer/younger girls extorting tips from you for sessions requiring no tips from the legacy dancers.
  • funonthaside
    9 months ago
    Technically, Sin City and Oasis are within the city limits, but not in typical city settings....they are in industrial areas. But, valid point regarding easy in / easy out.
  • Studme53
    9 months ago
    Cheerleaders is generally safe until it isn’t. Not to long ago a guy was robbed, shot and killed in the parking lot. I’ve seen some very sketchy dudes hanging in the parking lot. Got approached by a scary looking panhandler one night leaving the club. I thought he was coming over to rob me. That being said it’s by far my favorite Philly club. Very good quality girls/extras quotient. Well run club with good bartenders, bouncers etc.
  • 59
    9 months ago
    @studme53 and a dancer was shot and killed in the lap dance room years ago. Delilah's has had it's share of shootings as well. Customer was roughed up and killed in the parking lot by staff at Oasis years ago. These are just top of mind. Got to keep your head on a swivel in Philly.
  • vaznekop
    9 months ago
    @studme53 exactly my experience. Do u go daytime? I think I’m j gonna leave the strip club scene or go to playhouse MAYBE. I’m a short skinny white guy. I’m the easiest target there is.
  • Studme53
    9 months ago
    Yes - I mostly go day time or right after work/early evening. The few times I felt on-edge in the parking lot was night time but before midnight.
  • groundball
    9 months ago
    Hidden Gems and Just Enuff are absolutely fine, out in the 'burbs. If you're scared there you are in the wrong game
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