1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Miss Nude Competition

Thursday, July 27, 2023 10:22 PM
Is this worth going to or will it just be a bunch of old pros doing typical stripper moves?


  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    maybe 10 years ago I went to a miss nude competition and it was mostly strippers doing their moves.
  • nelly76
    a year ago
    I went for part of it last year and it was a mixed bag, and it was very crowded and the loudest I've ever heard.

    There are a lot of strippers there, but most of them are too busy to do VIPs, if that's what you're interested in. They are either in the competition, or they are watching their friends, or or they are with regulars, or they are doing something else.

    And when the competition is over, I thought the VIP rooms would be full. Instead, most of the girls either went home, or got into civilian clothes and partied with their friends. I wanted a VIP with a girl who I had VIPs with before and since, and she just drank with me instead.

    It is good if you just want to see a bunch of strippers on stage, but they do more of a flashy show rather than stripping, with lots of them having weird outfits and weird routines. The top winners tend to have great bodies, though, and if you are aggressive, you can go get the names and schedules of whatever girls you like.

    Another advantage is that girls from other clubs (and the occasional amateur) can get in the competition, so you do get some added variety.

    So .... bad VIP night, good spectator night.
  • TxVegas
    a year ago
    When is the Miss Nude contest?
  • Hungryhunnypot
    a year ago
    Thursday August 25th. If any women slap their asses during it let’s all laugh on cue.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    a year ago
    What Nelly said!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    The best place to get basic info (and some dancer schedules) is here:

  • Hungryhunnypot
    a year ago
    I wish more of the better looking dancers were on there. It’s usually the same ones.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I had the pleasure of judging at a contest one time at spearmint rhino Rialto. The one that won I didn't vote for. she was hot and very sc experienced. but I voted for another girl that was just as hot and new.
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