Downtown Cabaret115 S 4th St
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Minneapolis 2AMer

shadowcatAtlanta suburb
MINNEAPOLIS -- Gunfire filled the streets just steps outside of a downtown Minneapolis strip club early Wednesday morning.
It happened near Fourth Street and Marquette Avenue around 2 a.m. Police say one man was shot in he arm. He is expected to be OK.
Police said a fight broke out at a nearby business, and the arguing parties brought the fight outside. That's when shots were fired.
Police recovered a handgun. The shooting remains under investigation.
last commentthanks for the vigilance with the updates Shadow.
most like to blame covid for the clubs' decline (personally i just saved-up more funds to spend), but for at least 10 years prior it's been the urbanization and 2am-ers.
even pre-covid i watched it eventually close 10 clubs.
not wanting to get shot or mugged is what has scared-off the most top-draw talented dancers, competent staff, and wealtiest customers.
yet club owners (and most robs) continue to promote an atmosphere and allow behavior that will lead to their own demise (and then blame everything but that).
it's funny to imagine owners and most robs scratching their heads wondering why they're losing money while the elephant in the room is sitting on their faces.
Part of me is surprised and part of me is not. This isn’t the club where I’d most likely expect a shooting. But Minneapolis needs to get its shit together.
Strip clubs have always been seedy-places (some less than others) and have always had their fair-share of shady-characters - to the extent there may be more violence in them these days, especially in clubs/areas not known for it, one would assume goes hand-in-hand with the current soft-on-crime administration which seems to be disproportionately affecting blue-areas even ones that used to previously be considered pretty-safe - but reality is it seems violent-crime in on-the-rise nationwide under-the-current soft-on-crime anti-police administration
Fuck Minneapolis. They are center of liberal ignorance in Minnesota and other nearby areas. Their residents don't call the police to report crimes because they believe the Black Lies [Matter] and white guilt BS. They support defund the police. They tolerated the rioting, looting, and violence as an acceptable expression of black angst. They elected Jesse Ventura, molester Al Franken, that squad slut with the hijab, and the fat librarian Klobuchar. They made their bed. Let them lie in it.
I was downtown recently, a lot of shady character running around downtown minny. I wonder how all these girls get to work safely.
Honestly, as a part-time Mpls resident, it is not as bad as it sounds. I go downtown often, and I almost always feel safe. There are times when I've been a bit wary, sure, and as I write this, I just recently got notification on my phone that the Mall of America is on lockdown... and that's after a day after shooting in broad daylight (seriously, if you're going to go out in the daytime, avoid the "broad daylight" because bad stuff always happens there) at a Light Rail station. All of that said, I still feel safer in MSP than I do in a lot of big cities... but a lot of the dancers I've talked to have told me that can't wait to leave the downtown clubs.
Fuck Minnespolis. It’s the poster child for the downward spiral of this nation.
People are just miserable because it’s so damn cold
Minneapolis' progressive agenda is killing it; litteraly - among record crime:
"... Minneapolis had 621 sworn officers as of May 21, according to city records provided to FOX 9. That figure is a slight improvement from the low of 614 officers earlier in the month, but down from more than 900 sworn officers in early 2020 ..."
Basically down 1/3 the force: