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7337 W 100th Pl Bridgeview, IL 60455

Is it in a safe neighborhood to come around midnight with Uber

avatar for john778899
I plan to visit from airport.


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avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I've only been once, but it seemed fine to me. All the nearby businesses are non-retail and I would guess close around 5pm. They have valet parking so they would notice if anyone was loitering in the parking lot. I did something recently in the news about somebody driving a mercedes who got carjacked in Bridgeview. But I'm guessing that could happen pretty much anywhere in the Chicago area.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
The nonsense is going everywhere in and around Chicago right now but this is definitely not the hood
avatar for sweetjamesjones
3 years ago
You should be fine. Polekatz is in a relatively safe area.
avatar for ThisCat
3 years ago
It's safe, mostly retail surrounding with residential to the west. During Ramadan this area is very active throughout the night. Especially north along Harlem Ave. Don't be alarmed, everything is halal ;) there is 24hour dunkin donuts and shwarma drive-thru nearby.
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